Saturday, April 16, 2011


ages in the sinkhole. if only i were not mired in something so basic as the human condition.

i just feel so terribly ordinary, you know?


Anonymous said...

dearest you,
if there is one thing that you could never be it is ordinary, because you are extraordinary. and that is just the way it is!
also i miss lots of things. i miss the feelings i used to get when i was with friends, i miss being happy to wake up in the morning, there is so much that i miss that i would love to get back but it doesn't always work out that way because that would be much too easy, wouldn't it?
what i think though, is that there will be more things. and they'll probably leave too and we'll end up missing them aswell but there will always be something else, even if we don't realise it at first, even if it isn't as good as or what we expected.
perhaps we are flawed, possibly always will be but isn't everyone? doesn't everything have some flaw or other? and so of course there is hope, for you, for me, for everyone. sometimes we can't see it, sometimes it seems so completely out of our reach, but it *is* always there.
i don't know if this makes any sense, i'm hoping it will, otherwise, (awkward turtle) and you should ignore this.
love, me.

grandma said...

the way you look out of you means you aren't ordinary. so does your dedication to literary art. so does your caring for cats and dogs and aquatic birds.

rabbit, i love you from queensland and i will forever

Anonymous said...

that one's prettier.

love, grandma

Lonneke Bouman said...

this pic is stunnin'