Monday, June 13, 2011


a picnic on the beach, blue cheese-stuffed figs wrapped in bacon and a bottle of wine and i'll kiss her in public and i don't care, and all i can think lying curled up with her nights is this is too good to be true, i don't deserve this, she's going to find out what a wreck i am and back away and break my glass heart.

red wine and chain-smoking i say too much or i say not enough; never the right things, anyway. i can't explain to her how my chest is imploding because it's too complicated, how i'm trying to stay present, i'm trying to ignore myself, i'm trying not to tell lies and i'm shit-scared here because happiness is not what i know 

but all i want is to trust 

and she's worth it and oh fuck am i scared


Anonymous said...

it's okay to be scared.
it makes us grow.
in the best of ways.


Anonymous said...

Just let the fuck go.


Aurélie said...

Agree with cas, life is too short to abandon your feelings. if the body says yes, if the heart says yes, if the imploding chest says yes.. then why not listen? you deserve to be happy love, we all do. so let go and get whisked away. all my love, a