Tuesday, August 10, 2010

these endless slippery days

trying to continue to exist or to not exist, alternately and in alarmingly quick succession. 

isn't that what we're all trying to do in the end?


Peridot (G+P) said...



*Pounces and cuddles*

Unknown said...

Thank you dear, you really do worry me sometimes. Especially when you are in a hard place. I hope that whatever you are dealing with right now, whether that be old traumas or new traumas, is not killing you. I hope you know that I love you and I miss you when you disappear. I hope you know that you are stronger than you think. I hope you fight for what you want. I hope you can look in the mirror and know you're beautiful. I hope you know that existing is easier when you are living. There is no point in being afraid of death if you do not use the life you have. Just find moments of happiness okay? Find them for me.

All my love,

witches said...

some people are so eloquent and some people are so funny and some people just make life look so easy. but their parents have depression and they cut their thighs and the soles of their feet, so that the chafing and pressure makes it hurt all day. some people drink by themselves on the cold kitchen tiles, they drink schnapps and vodka and whiskey and hot wine - anything. some people are so afraid that they can't leave their bedrooms. some people fear the day their pets die because their last friends will be gone forever. some people starve themselves. some people try to starve themselves and when they can't it's the worst sort of pain. some people don't love their family because their family is trying to tell them something that shouldn't have to be said aloud. some people don't have any plans for life because they don't plan to live one.

it's so disheartening. but it's good that you make me think, stir up my stagnant imagination.

The Elsewhere Girl said...

I am giving you my heart for a while.
Take care of it for me xxx

Pasco said...


Not particularly eloquent, but that is the sound in my head. Just wanted to share.
