Monday, November 10, 2014

nobody knows the troubles i've seen / nobody knows but jesus

i do not control the fire within my head. 

it speaks of its own, it says don't remember, it says stab me with a knife and you will be able to see the fire at last, it says i own you. 

i never remember what day is it. i only see stasis, stills of the cats sleeping. me in the chair drinking tea. hiking the dogs and trying to forget. sitting in the dark, always the dark. 

i am not an addict but i ask for stronger drugs. i ask for vicodin. i ask for morphine. each one fails and no one has answers. 

pain is subjective and they can't see so i will burn you until you want nothing but to be ash. 

my head is a pincushion with ten thousand pins that the devil is rolling back and forth, back and forth, slicing at with an axe at his whim. 

that's all. i don't own myself any more. 

but louis armstrong makes me calm, and so do subways. so i know that much at least.